Brad Palmer Sensei
Brad is the founder of Penguin Budo located in the town of Penguin, Tasmania.
Having fallen in love with the town Penguin, Brad was highly driven to create a true community-focused budo (martial arts) school when he arrived from Perth, WA more than 5 years ago.
Having significant roots in Yoseikan Budo, Brad teaches and trains Gyokushin Ryu Aikido whereby his goal is to bring more than just martial arts training to Penguin.
In 2016, Brad obtained his Shodan at a small Yoseikan dojo in the northern suburbs of Perth, Western Australia. In 2018 he was awarded his Nidan, coupled with his Sandan teaching certification from Washizu Terumi Kancho at the Gyokushin Ryu Aikido Hombu dojo in Japan.
Having continued his training under Sensei Marshall, Sensei Atkas and Sensei Niland gives Brad a great blend of traditional martial arts and self-defence skills. Furthermore, Brad has an extensive background in coaching a variety of sports at both junior and senior levels helping him deliver a unique martial arts class that is enjoyable for students of all ages and levels.
Sandan (International Guokushin Ryu Aikido Federation)
Kyodo (Teaching Certificate) (International Guokushin Ryu Aikido Federation)
Nidan (Yuishinkai Aikido International)
Shodan – recognised by OMMA Perth
Shodan (Yoseikan Aikido)
Certified MAA Accredited Coach 2020 (Martial Arts Australia)